For reading this past term, our main focus has been the Olympics for reading and writing. Today as part of our Olympic work, we have been looking at Lisa Carrington and her success in her sport, Canoeing. For our activity, we had to research about her and make a DLO of her successes and facts about her. We are looking at her because she has represented New Zealand in the Olympics since 2012. She has just recently won a gold medal in her Canoeing final with 3 of her other teammates.
I really enjoyed this activity because it was really cool to see how New Zealand and our athletes are progressing at these Olympics. Here is my DLO about Lisa Carrington;
What athlete would you do this on and why?
Here is my reflection on this blogpost;
What is your favourite blogpost you have created?
Hi Emilee, Its Izzy from room 9,
I really like that you’ve put a DLO and that you have done a reflection about the post. I looks really good and I like you’re explanation. My favourite blog post is my Lisa Carrington post. Whats yours ?