Year: 2024

Olympics White Hat

To start off Term 3, our focus for reading will be the Paris 2024 Olympics. We will also be incorporating skimming and scanning as a tool to collect information. Today, we were given a small slideshow with activities to complete during this week. The first activity we had to do was a White Hat.

The White Hat is neutral and objective – pure facts. This means I had to research facts and not put my opinion on the Olympics. I learnt a lot about how long the Olympics has been going for and the different cities it has been held in.

Here is my White Hat filled with 5 facts;

What are you excited for this Olympics?

TinTin Availl and Follow Up

In Room 9 our reward was an Availl, as well as a PJ and popcorn day. Mr Gray picked the Movie TinTin. His adventure was about the Unicorn (a ship) and the lost treasure that he needed to find. Once we finished the movie, we had to make a story about Tin Tin in NZ.

I really enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to imagine a movie about the adventure I made. For my adventure, I did Tin Tin and a ram raid. The quick story is about him trying to help and solve a ram raid,

Here is my storyboard;

What movie would you pick?

Matariki Stars

In Room 9 , our main focus for Cybersmart these past 2 weeks have been Matariki. We recently had a hangi, as well as making a slide show about 4 stars. The stars were Waiti, Waita, Tupuanuku and Tupuarangi. We had to write about the meaning behind it and make a star about it.

I really enjoyed this activity because it helped to expand my knowledge about Matariki and NZ. Next time, I would do all of the stars so that I have more to show for my work. Here is my slideshow about the stars;

Have you heard of these stars before?
What Stars would you pick?

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

In Room 9, our big focus in R.E has been Parables. We have been looking at a lot of them and finding out the meaning behind every parable. After picking and researching about a parable, we could get into pairs or groups and create a Minecraft world.

I worked with Izzy and Nevaeh to create our Minecraft world, and we really liked it. After that, we had to make a slideshow about every important part of the parable. We picked the Prodigal Son for all of the activities. This activity was very fun because we got to look at every scene and the story behind each scene.

I think next time I would make more slides with more parts so that I can make it more detailed.

Here is my slide;

What parable would you pick?

Duffy Books Term 2 Avonhead Rotary

Every term, Avonhead Rotary supplies Duffy Books for us. We get given a pamphlet with different books and we have to pick 4. We either get our 1st or 1st and 2nd choices. The other 2/3 our are backup ones in case they don’t have our first choices in stock.

This term, we were given 2 books. I got given What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge and Do You Know Me? By Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott. I started reading Do You Know Me and got through around 10 pages. So far, the book seems really interesting and I cannot wait to read it.

Thank you Avonhead Rotary for supplying us with these books, I am very grateful for the opportunity to get these books;

Here is me reading my book:

What is your favorite book?

PMI of Term 2

Today, our teacher made a Google draw for us to fill out. It was a PMI for Term 2. A PMI is a DLO that has 3 parts to it; The Positive, Minus and Interesting. This activity was short but really nice to recap on everything we did this term. It is exciting to think of all the things we will be doing next term.

Next time, I would ask a couple friends and see what they put down so that I could add more information to it. Overall, this activity was really fun to do and I would definitely do it again for next term!

Here is my PMI;

What exciting things has your school done this term?

National Selfie Day

In Room 9 we have been looking at holidays and researching about them. Today, the 21st of June celebrates 2 holidays. World Music Day and National Selfie Day. For National Selfie Day, Mr Gray allowed us to take a photo on his phone for a selfie, and make a blog post about it.

I really enjoyed this activity because it was a nice break from school work and really funny. It was really interesting to look at everyone elses selfies. Here is my selfie that my friend Izzy took;

What is your favourite selfie?


In Room 9 we have been focusing on describing characters for the past 2 weeks. After all of our work, we had to make a big main one. We had to include lots of describing words and help paint a picture for the reader. I went on Google and picked a photo that I thought would be interesting to describe. I picked Elon Musk, and so did my friend Izzy.

I really enjoyed this activity because it helped me to grow my vocabulary. Next time, I might add some more in depth words and make it high quality. Overall, this activity was very fun and it was really nice to do it with my friend!

Here is my Google draw on Elon;

Who would you do it on? Would you enjoy this activity?


Writing – Describing things

Our focus for writing for the last couple of weeks has been adjectives and describing words. One of our main activities we have done has been describing a character. We were given a group of photos that were AI generated to describe. I picked a plumber looking guy who had to robotic legs.

I enjoyed this activity because it helped expand my vocabulary and it was overall just a really fun activity. Next time, I think I would pick a character that had more to describe and take my time on it.

Here is my description;

Have you done this before? Did you enjoy it?

The Leaven – Parable told by Jesus

For R.E in Room 9 we have been looking at Parables. Parables are stories told by Jesus that have a message behind them. Take the Good Samaritan for example; 2 people who looked like they could help the man did not, yet the least expected person did. This message is Never Judge a Book by its Cover.

I picked the Leaven since I thought it had a really good message behind it. I enjoyed this activity because it was very interesting to figure out what Parable resonated with me the most and would be the most fun to do.

Here is my slideshow of the Leaven parable;

What is a parable you know?