Day: September 1, 2023

Election DLO

In Room 9/10, we have been learning about the elections. The election is coming up in October, and we have decided to take a deeper dive into what the election is and why it is important.

For this activity, I worked with Quinn and we made a slideshow all about the different leaders and the parties. I found it really interesting to research all about the different leaders, and what their goals were for NZ.

What do you think? What is your favourite party? If you could vote, who would you vote for?

Colours in Te Reo

In Room 9/10. we have made a google drawing about colours in Te Reo. I really enjoyed researching and finding examples of the colours, but my favourite part was when I got to make a drawing on Sumo Paint. I picked 8 colours and made a really cool drawing, and then I labled all the colours in Te Reo.

I think if I ever did this again, I would spend more time on choosing some more unique examples of the coloured items. For red, I did an apple, but I think I could’ve done something cool like tomato soup.

Here is my DLO of the colours.

What do you think? What would you do for the photo? What is your favourite colour?