Category: Hanga | Create

Advert Learning – Cereal

WALT: Think critically and support ideas with data and opinion:

In Room 10 we have been focusing on adverts, specifically cereal ones. We got to make our own cereal and I loved it! My imagination really helped me with this and it was such a creative, cool idea.

I named my cereal Sunshine Macaroni. I was originally going to go with Cinnamon Crunch, but I found that Sunshine Macaroni could have more excitement in the box.

Here is my cereal ad:

I chose Dua Lipa, who would you have chosen?

Captain Compassion – R.E

WALT: Understand Sacraments

For our activity, my friend Eva and I made a superhero. This superhero shows a kind virtue that makes people feel good. We named our superhero Captain Compassion. Our favourite part of this activity would be that we got to use our imagination to be able to make a cool superhero.

I hope that you like our superhero!

What’s your favourite superhero?


My Free Write – Pobble 365

In Room 2 we have been able to do free writing because our Room 10 teacher is not here today! 🙁

To inspire my writing, I used a site called Pobble 365. If you go to Pobble 365, there is a photo for every day. These photos give you ideas to make a story. Lets say there was fish falling out of the sky. There would be a story starter and ideas to help start your story. 😍

For my story, I used a photo with black umbrellas, but in the middle of the photo there was a red one. ☂ I found this really cool because I had such a good idea for the reference.

Here is my story! 🤩

The Odd One Out!

Eucharist steps – Sacrament 2

WALT: Understand the sacrament of the Eucharist

In Room 2 our main focus for R.E has been the sacraments. We have been learning about the sacrament Eucharist for the past week. My favourite part was learning about how Jesus can be present in us all the time, and no matter how many times we might break the bread from the Eucharist, he will always be in each piece!

This activity was a great way to recap all the things that we have learned.

Have you ever received the Eucharist?

Winter Sports – Netball – Week 4 Term 3

At NBC we do Winter Sports. I do Netball for my Winter Sports. Today it was really fun, and I was very enthusiastic. We were versing Queens-Park To start off, I was centre with my sister Summer. In the second quarter, I was defence. I found defence got quite boring after a while, though.

In the third quarter, I was off. Luckily, my best friend from pre-school, Keira was there. I was able to talk with her and catch up with her during that quarter. For the last quarter, I was attack. Personally, attack is my absolute favourite position because I can get more active. I was able to get 1 point for our team!

Next time, I think I will try to get more points for our team and make sure to have a smile on my face!

Have you ever played netball before?

Baptism Timeline – Sacrament 1

WALT: Understand the sacrament of baptism

In Room 2 we have been focusing on Baptism and how it works. For this activity, we made a time line on how baptism works, start to finish. I found this activity really fun because I learnt a new thing and I was able to understand baptism more. I focused on making sure I had the most important parts in there so if I look back at it I would be able to read it and know it properly.

Have you ever been baptised before? ✝

Party Bags – Maths

In Room 10 we are focusing on a slide about money for maths. For our activity, we had to make party bags worth 2 dollars or less. We were given images of small things that we could put in our party bags.

These are my party bags..

You get 80 cents back

You get 40 cents back

You get 20 cents back

You get none back because its exactly 2 dollars


What party bag would you choose?

Mary’s Assumption

WALT: Learn about the Assumption

In Room 2 we have been focusing on the Assumption and Mary. As a Catholic school, this stuff is very important to learn since it is close to us. Pixie-Rose and I worked on this Google draw together to tell you all the important things about the Assumption.

Have you ever heard of the Assumption before?