At NBC today, we were visited by the Top Team crew, and had an awesome morning!
To start the day, we (year 7/8s) were assigned teams based on their house colours. We were called leaders, and were in charge of our groups. They were mixed teams ranging from year 1s to year 8s. I was in Team 6 and was assigned Station 8 out of 12. Once everyone made it to their assigned stations, they buzzer sounded and we were off!
There were so many activities such as Naughts and Crosses, Egg and Spoon race, Water games and more! We had roughly 7-10 minutes at each station to get as many points as possible! In the end, the winning team had managed to get 588 points! That team got awarded certificates.
Here are some photos of the morning taken by our teacher, Matua Nick.
Overall, this morning was definitely one to remember.
Have you had a visit by top trumps? If so, what was your favourite activity? and why And if not, why would you not want/want them to come?