Raymond Bishop DLO

Today at our school we had Raymond Bishop come pay a visit for us for Duffy.

He talked about how he was very inspired by music when he was little. He told us that he wrote his first song when he was 5! Talking about songs, we got told by him that he has written many songs, but my personal favourite would be ‘Nothing is impossible” which was written for Jonah Lomu.

I was very inspired by him and how he loved reading. My favourite part of his visit would be when he sang for us. It was so beautiful and his notes were crystal clear.

This is a DLO I made about him:

What is your favourite song by him and why?

Name Drawing

In Room 9/10, we have been doing Cybersmart. For cybersmart, we decided to make our names on Google drawings. I really enjoyed this activity because I really liked experimenting with all the colours. I think that the polyline tool was really cool to work with.


Here are some tips with the polyline tool:

  1. Experiment with different types of lines – such as angles, straight, wavy lines and see what one suits the goal you are trying to acheive the best!
  2. Try to keep a steady hand, and don’t let go or you will finish the line
  3. You can also use the ‘Curve’ tool to make the lines softer. It works the same way, just smoother ends.

Here is the name art I created!

What colours would you have used? Why would you use those colours?

Clues In Images

WALT: Learning about smart online images

For Cybersmart today, we have been learning about smart images online. I loved doing this activity, and it really made me think about how much a little editing could help you in the long run. I think this was a good activity for my class so we could learn about the importance.

Would you enjoy doing this activity? Why would you enjoy it?

Art Inquiry – Vincent Van Gogh

WALT: Learn about artists.

In Room 9/10 we have been doing Art. We had to buddy up and pick an artist. We have 4 options. Vincent Van Gogh, Banksy, Monet and Leonardo Da Vinci. My buddy (Quinn) and I chose Vincent Van Gogh.

We had an assortment of questions we had to answer. I enjoyed this because we got to learn things I never knew! If I did it again, I think I would pick Leonardo Da Vinci because I love his paintings, and I would love to find out more about how he made them and why.

This is my google slide that I made.

Who would you pick, and why would you pick them? What inspired you to pick them?

Holy Monday – Thinking hats

WALT: Understand holy week

In Room 9, we have been learning about holy week. On Thursday, we will be reenacting the stations of the cross. As we are rehearsing, we are also doing our R.E work. For R.E, we are writing about the days and using the thinking hats. I am doing Holy Monday with Izzy!

I really enjoyed this because I was able to learn more about holy week. If you want to understand it better, read these bible verses.

  • Matthew 21:12 – 22
  • Mark 11:20 – 25
  • Matthew 21:7

Here is my slide:

Pick a Path – Being kind editon!

WALT: Learn how to be kind to your classmates and on the internet.

In Room 9 and 10, we have been focusing on being more confident with our online conversations. We are doing this so that when we go to high school, we have all the skills to stand up for ourselves. We went onto interland and went on ‘It’s cool to be kind’. In this game we would give sad people more enthusiasm and love to cheer them up, as well as blocking bad influences. After this, we have to make a DLO about how to be kind. I decided to make a Pick a Path.

I really enjoyed this because I was able to learn about what to do in different circumstances. I think next time I could have added more colour into it. Overall I think this activity was a really fun learning experience.

Have a go yourself. How did you do? What questions would you add in your one?

Get to know me!

Kia Ora, Bloggers.

In Room 10, we have been focusing on making posters about ourselves. These posters will give you a brief look into what I like and stuff such as, my family, my hometown etc. I really enjoyed making this poster because I got to decorate it how I like and was able to express myself.

Next time, I would try to add some more detail into it, but we didn’t have much time.

What would you put in your poster? What kind of stuff do you like?

All About Me – My new profile

WALT: Write a fantastic and engaging blog post.

In Room 9, we have been making some new avatars for our profile on edublogs! I did this a while ago, but we made a new one for the year. I found this activity really fun because I was able to describe myself and make a really cool picture/image of me. I think next time I would try to add some cool colours and make it look really nice.

I put all my words in for these reasons:

Starbucks – Because I absolutely love it.

Energetic – I am very energetic and run around a lot.

Kind – Because I am kind to my classmates.

Learning – I love to learn.

Emilee – It is my name.

Writing – I write a lot and have a big imagination.

Smart – I am very smart.

2 of my strengths are.. Intelligence and Honesty.

Hobbies: I love to sing and hangout with friends because.. Singing: I love to sing because it is one of my big strengths. Hangout with friends: I am very social and love to make new friends.


Have you ever made one of these before, but if you were to, what would you put in your profile?

Nga Mihi, Emilee.

SLJ – Cool Characters

Bonjour, bloggers!

A new SLJ task has JUST been released! Now this activity was by far the best one I have done! I think that I am going to do this activity so much- OH! I haven’t told you what it is yet! Alright, soo for this activity, we got to go out into our backyards, find plants/stuff outside and make a creature out of them! Lucky for me, my backyard is COVERED in stuff! I got a leaf, and I have lots of clovers, so I ripped off 2 of the leaves of that.

With all the stuff I had, I had so much options I could do with it, but I think the way I chose to do it was the best option.

I named him Jeremy.

What do you think of him? What would you have done with the stuff you have?

SLJ – Let’s Visit Mars!

Todays SLJ activity is all about… MARS! ☄

In this activity, we got to look at this site

We got to learn a lot more about the first rover that went to Mars in August, 2012 called ‘ Curiosity’ When we entered the site we got to see what Mars’s surface looked like and what Curiosity looked like aswell. I really liked this activity because it’s cool to think I was only a baby when a big, huge rover went on to Mars!

After researching and looking at facts, we got to make our own rover! I didn’t have much time to do this activity, but I think that this was one of my favourites! Here is my rover:

I called it Explorer because this rover of mine was the first rover to go to the sun! This rover also is indestructible and was made by a 8 year old girl in the year 3014.

What would you name YOUR rover? What is your favourite part about my rover?